Hi I am struggling getting AP to recognize my DroneCAN device’s 3D fixes. It shows “No Fix” in the Top-Levl status window in MP, even when I verify a valid fix with suitable sat count, DOP etc is being broadcast at 10Hz using DroneCAN GUI. How would I approach this? Thank you!
Of note, I have a HolyBro CAN GNSS to compare with that’s working; AP sees its 3D fixes. Of note, the Holybro one seems to be missing some info in its broadcasts, like always reporting PDOP=0 in the Fix, and reporting most stats as 0 in GNSS AUX (Various DOP statistics, and num_sats), but other than that, I don’t know what AP sees differently. I’ve even tried duplicating this whit my node; did not fix it.
The only other difference I can see in the DroneCAN messages between the HB and my node is the HB also broadcasts the legacy Fix
. My understanding is, AP (I’m on a recent version) supports Fix2
, so this shouldn’t be the problem.
There is a Fix2
message going at 10Hz, but AP is not seeing it. Or the “No Fix” messageis not the correct state, and it’s covering something else. There has to be some way to step through and print out the logic AP goes through, and see what stats (sat count, DOP, coords etc) AP is actually receiving, to narrow this down
Using St-Link, or Mission planner via USB.
Any help would be appreciated; I’m not sure how to troubleshoot this further; thank you!