Unable to delete DataFlash logs via MP

When I click on the DataFlash Logs tab in Mission Planner, I can then click on “Download DataFlash Log via Mavlink”. When I do that, I get a listing of 30 log files from various dates.

When I then click on “Clear Logs”, it asks me to confirm, and I click “Yes”. It then tells me to allow 30-90 seconds for the files to be erased. And in fact, the window displaying the log file names is immediately cleared.

BUT if I exit that window, go back to the DataFlash Logs tab and click again on “Download DataFlash Log via Mavlink”, the complete listing of 30 files appears again, suggesting that they were never deleted after all. I have tried this several times with the same result. Is this a bug? If not, what am I doing wrong?

I have the same issue on Pixhawk 1.0. Any takers @Allister @dkemxr


I am also having this issue. Were you guys able to find a fix?
