Unable to control Torqeedo via joystick (xbox one controller)

Hello, I am using the orange cube with Rover 4.2.3 (stable) firmware as the autopilot system. Now I integrate the Torqeedo cruise 3.0 with official instruction and try to use xbox one controller to control the throttle of Torqeedo.
Here are some parameters I set:

TRQD_TYPE = 1 (I use tiller connector and the wiring is as same as the instruction.)
SERIAL2_PROTOCOL = 39 (I use Telem2 port.)

RC1 set to Ry
RC2 set to Rx
RC3 set to Y
RC4 set to X
(Four channels are calibrated and work well. The green bars are changed properly when I move analog sticks)

Mode: Manual

I can read the battery status of Torqeedo (voltage, current, percentage). But when I arm the system, Torqeedo is running reversely and never stop unitl I disarm. Also, there is no respond when I using xbox controller.(I do check if I have enabled joystrick control.)

Are there any pre-settings that I have missed?