Unable to connect to Mission Planner and X-Plane

I am having a problem connecting my configured ardupilot sitl with mission planner and x-plane 11. I followed the instructions on Using SITL with X-Plane 10/11 — Dev documentation. I tried all the paths on that site. Using sitl from mission planner topic worked well and connection between mission planner and x-plane 11 was succesfully established, but when i want to follow the other topics and simulate my configured ardupilot sitl i cannot.

i typed these commands:
$ modules/waf/waf-light configure --board sitl
$ modules/waf/waf-light plane
$ build/sitl/bin/arduplane --model xplane

after this i tried to connect to mission planner via tcp from 5760 port, it says “Trying to connect” but at the end it doesn’t. And wsl terminal sends the following message: Closed connection on serial port 0.

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