Unable to configure compass matek 5883 which is connected to can node adapter L431

I am using matek h743 with can node adapter L431
I am not able to calibrate compass. When I click “Start” There is no progress at all , I see only “0%”

When I turn a drone, I immediately see EKF error:

My FC orientation to left side of copter hence I set AHRS_ORIENTATION=270YAW and my compass orientation is right, hence I set COMPASS_ORIENTATION=90YAW (I know it is weird but currently can do nothing about it)

I was trying to fly, but drone starts to spin around all 3 AXIS (like two cats fighting).

Hi @Serhii_Bilyk,

It’s odd that the compass calibration isn’t progressing… that would normally mean that the compass isn’t providing any data. If you look on the Data screen’s Status tab you can see values for mx, my, mz?

If we can get the compass calibration working then it will normally correct the orientation automatically.

Hi, thank you for a willing to help. I just removed CAN node adapter L431 due to lack of understanding how it works. After I removed it I connected compass straight to FC and it worked.

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