Unable to change Benewake tf mini data output

I am currently using Benewake tf mini with pixhawk 1 with firmware APM v3.5.5. According to the setup instructions here:
I have setup one tf mini successfully , but I am unable to setup second tf mini.I got the data curve on WINCC_Tf_Mini software and checked Pix mode then sent the command : ( 42 57 00 00 00 04 06), and also changed the required parameters in mission planner but there is random data occurring sometimes in sonar range else it’s 0.Please help me in troubleshooting and setting up tf mini.

Can you please help me on this issue @ppoirier

Are you using 2 different uarts?

We are using Serial4/5 for TFMini and Telem 2 port for MAVLINK.

Of you set alternatively the ports does it work?
Test uart4 as primary and then uart 5 as primary

The problem may not be with the port as we tried to read the serial data using Python code to and we were getting wrong data, also previous to mini worked fine with the same port on Pixhawk
Also I suspect that the command from the software is not being sent , as everytime I try to change the format it does not change when I reconnect.

I understand, I am not using Benewake GUI , I use Realterm to send hexa commands and check the results easily as you can ‘‘see’’ whats going on

Ok I will try Realterm once