Unable to Arm after upgrade to 4.5.1

I’ve upgraded Plane FW from 4.4.4 to 4.5.1 on my Omnibus F4 Pro board with no compass and I’m not able to arm anymore.
As soon as the plane is armed, it’s disarmed in the same moment.
Dataflash log from arming/disarming issue: 2024-04-20 21-07-58.bin - Google Drive
240420-params-omnibusf4pro-4.5.1-no-compass-used.param (19.7 KB)

Some screenshots:

Any idea what I’m doing wrong?
Note: There is a possibility, that issue is connected my other issue on previous FW version, see EKF issue on Omnibus F4 Pro with no compass

I wonder if it has something to do with the Blackbox logging. If this FC is controlling the plane then you don’t need that feature.

If this is a custom firmware build then I would create a new build with Blackbox disabled.


Also, it’s a good idea to set ARMING_CHECKS, 1. If there’s an issue after that then you should figure out why it won’t arm.


Yeah, ARMING_BBOX_SPD is set to 5, which is above the 0.2 m/s in the log.

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Thank you for pointing me with Blackbox logging - I’ve built and installed new FW version without it with following selected features:

After FW upgrade the behavior changed - I couldn’t arm vehicle at all anymore - the status was keeping in “AHRS not healthy” status according to telemetry.
Yesterday I did one ground test when I was changing the value of parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE between 0 (Disabled) and 3 (EKF3) within one logging session.
The result was, that when the EKF3 was disabled (DCM used?) I was able to to arm, but when EKF3 was enabled I couldn’t because of this bad AHRS status.

This brings me to the conclusion that there’s probably something wrong with my EKF3 settings.
LOG file from ground test when I was changing AHRS_EKF_TYPE parameter value and was trying to arm.: 2024-04-22 20-06-44.bin - Google Drive

Is it possible to see in LOG file the reason why vehicle with EKF3 AHRS type will not arm?

I am not sure if i got this right, but it seems you are in blackbox mode which is not the normale mode of operation. Please build your firmware again without the blackbox option!

Try setting EK2_ENABLE to 0.

AHRS Unhealthy could be a lot of things. No GPS lock (or not satisfactory position), something wrong with the Accelerometer calibration.

You can always set LOG_DISARMED,1 and then post the results.

@YupsUAV this is exactly what I did - see my previous post
@Oli1 Ok, I’ll try to disable EKF2, but I don’t think that this should have any influence on EKF3
@Allister The log I’ve attached in previous post was from the event when I was not able to arm with EKF3, but I could do it with DCM - I was changing parameter AHRS_EKF_TYPE during this session. Anyway, I’ll create new log, just for EKF3 .

Hello, today I did retest on ground after some configuration changes like disabling of EKF2 and I was finally able to arm plane even with EKF3 on.
As soon as the plane was armed AHRS type changed to DCM and after disarming AHRS type got back to EKF3, but as I understood from Compass-less Operation — Copter documentation it’s normal behavior for compass-less operation on ground and hopefully EKF3 will be used later - when in air.

2024-04-26 08:52:05.779 Event: DATA_ARMED
2024-04-26 08:52:05.780 Throttle armed
2024-04-26 08:52:05.799 AHRS: DCM active
2024-04-26 08:52:13.939 Event: DATA_DISARMED
2024-04-26 08:52:13.939 Throttle disarmed
2024-04-26 08:52:14.059 AHRS: EKF3 active

Dataflash log from arming/disarming session 2024-04-26 08-51-37.bin - Google Drive

Anyway - thanks to all for pointing me how to solve my issue.