Unable install FW (Please help the guy who has lost all hope)

I just have a pixhawk 2.4.8 bought near 2016-2017 from aliexpress.(I try make it work for so long and everytime i must surrender.)
The problem is that when i flash FW from MP the plane don’t give me any signal (beep o anything else) at the end of flashing. also if i restart PW while hold safety switch.
If i try to re-flash MP say me the upload has already done.
If i try to connect MP to PW i can’t.
I also try flash from QGC ardupilot firmware but nothing.
The only firmware install correctly is QGC PX4 STABLE PRO FIRMWARE but i’ve a lot of problem with QGC app because i get a lot of error on arm process and i’m unable to assign-test motor and servos(motor test sheldule say me "unable to determinate motor count) and if i try servos and motor work random for less than a second.
I also donk if try to make MP work or fix QGC bug because i lost a lot of time in both direction

Pixhawk1 is the correct firmware for that Flight Controller. As a last attempt go here and download the .apj file Arduplane Pixhawk1
Then use Mission Planners “load Custom Firmware” button and flash it.

If that doesn’t work perhaps it’s time to buy another Flight Controller.

You could always go back to scratch and use the STM32 Cube programmer to put the entire firmware in the FC. Make sure you get the right program file for the board that includes the bootloader (_bl in the title). That should recover it from almost any problem.