UDP video not working on Windows 11 fresh install

We cannot have a UDP video stream (port 5600) on a fresh, latest version of mission planner. Only if we go back to version 67 it works, but then mission planner sometimes crash.

any idea on how your feeding it at the moment?

Very sorry, i do not understand your question. We have 1 pc, windows 10, with mission planner installed long time ago and regularly updated. That one works.

New installation on new machine with windows 11 fails show video. Only going back like 10 versions or so, gives video. But as soon as install latest version MP, same, no video.

whats the source of the video? rpi? gstreamer? etc

Raspberry pi running uavcast. Works fine on older versions

ok think i found the issue
“C:\Users<your username here>\Documents\Mission Planner\config.xml”
and delete from
all the way too

save it, and try again

Ok, thanks. We will try and I’ll let you know.

oh, i forgot to say update to the latest beta as well

Ok, will do. Thanks for the update.

Sorry for the late reply, been very busy. In a nutshell, it doesn’t work.

After following your suggestions (including installing the beta version), mission planner replaces the config file on restart. The deleted part is then back again.

Do you have any other suggestions?