UC4H SLCAN v1.1-jD

UC4H SLCAN v1.1-jD

UAVCAN SLCAN board made jointly with Olliw and Jani.

Store: http://store.jdrones.com/uc4g_slcan_v11_p/uc4hslcan11.htm
Wiki page: can:slcan [jDrones wiki]

Post your questions, queries to here about the SLCAN UAVCAN board

What is SLCAN board?

SLCAN board is a USB Serial adapter to your UAVCAN databus. If you don’t have any other ways to communicate with your UAVCAN devices. SLCAN and UAVCAN GUI is made for you.

Install UAVCAN GUI from Pavel, connect your SLCAN board on your USB and CAN bus to read/update firmwares/configure your UAVCAN devices

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I tried order this from jdrone store from few weeks ago, but my paypal button is always blank(only in jdrone), I tried to contact through email, but no reply.

Ordering success, but my address is broken……