UC4H Mavlink-Bridge III
12. Jan. 2019
I was trying to convince MissionPlanner to show parameter information, such as range or description, also for the parameters of the UC4H nodes. It unfortunately was necessary to modified the UC4H MavlinkBridge such that it replaces all blanks in the parameter names by _. The good thing: By copying some info into MissionPlanner’s parameter meta data file it indeed shows now the descriptions. I actually find this of great help , since one doesn’t always have to memorize or look up what is what. Very useful. The bad thing: The parameters are now also organized into sections, which I don’t like much. So, my opinion is a bit mixed on this. I really would wish that MissionPlanner would provide some better means to present UAVCAN node parameters. But for the moment that’s the best we can get, I guess.