UAV Log Viewer - Downloaded data.csv problem


I noticed the following inconsistency in UAV Log viewer.

Plotted message

Then I downloaded the data.csv and plotted it in excel.

Clearly they do not match, in particular there are whole sections of data that are the constant.

Any idea on which graph should I trust?

Flight log: 32.bin - Google Drive
Graphed message: VISP.PX

The CSV data looks fine using LibreOffice:

Note that the X axis should be the timestamp, not the row index.

Thnks. It seems that excel and libreoffice agree but still the resulted graph is not the same as in the UAV Log Viewer. Perhaps there is some interpolation behind the scenes to make the graphs look better?

oops, now I see what you mean…
The numerical values displayed by hovering over the line in the UAV Log Viewer do not agree with the values in the CSV file. Maybe there is some filtering going on, but that would not be a good thing IMO.
Maybe worth raising an issue on github.

It looks like the problem is with the CSV export. Looks like it’s resampling to a uniform sample interval rather than preserving the original data. Conversion to CSV using should give the correct results. --types VISP --format csv [LOG]

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Indeed, now I can see the correct csv!

Should I raise an issue on github?

I think so. The csv data does not seem to be correct.