U.S. Department of Transportation Announces Technology Partners for Remote ID Development


For Immediate Release
May 5, 2020
Contact: pressoffice@faa.gov

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today announced the eight companies that will assist the Federal government in establishing requirements for future suppliers of Remote Identification (Remote ID). Remote ID will enable Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), commonly called drones, to provide identification and location information while operating in the nation’s airspace.

The FAA selected the following companies to develop technology requirements for future Remote ID UAS Service Suppliers (USS): Airbus, AirMap, Amazon, Intel, One Sky, Skyward, T-Mobile, and Wing. These companies were selected through a Request for Information process in December 2018.

“The FAA will be able to advance the safe integration of drones into our nation’s airspace from these technology companies’ knowledge and expertise on remote identification,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao.

This initial group will support the FAA in developing technology requirements for other companies to develop applications needed for Remote ID. The applications will provide drone identification and location information to safety and security authorities while in flight.

The technology is being developed simultaneously with the proposed Remote ID rule. Application requirements will be announced when the final rule is published. The FAA will then begin accepting applications for entities to become Remote ID suppliers. The FAA will provide updates when other entities can apply to become qualified Remote ID USS on FAA.gov.

Drones are a fast-growing segment of the transportation sector with nearly 1.5 million drones and 160,000 remote pilots now registered with the FAA. The agency’s ability to develop Remote ID technology simultaneously with the rule enables the FAA to continue to build on a UAS Traffic Management (UTM) system that has demonstrated global leadership through the small UAS rule and the implementation of the Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC), which automates the application and approval process for most UAS operators to obtain airspace authorizations.


Is there a dislike feature on this site? Lol


Ha ha. Thats a good one. How about this emoji? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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SkyGrid should have taken a place within this program , but it’s a much needed program which should be implemented as soon as possible

Are you familiar with https://gutma.org/


We are soon joining them as well.

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Could you please explain what does it means?

You mean the original post?

In plain English each commercial UVA will have like license plate number. So they can be identified who is using them and flying them.

All commercial aircraft’s broadcast their location, and around the world we know exactly where each airplane, helicopter etc. is at any given second.

So UAVs will do the same in about 2 to 3 years time frame and they will Broadcast their location. This helps to control drone traffic flying below 300ft mark.

But… If I have a hobby drone, should I use this id?

In USA you essentially wont have a choice, except for at government approved flying sites - even then you’ll be limited to an App and a 400ft bubble or dome. Thats not a 400 ft radius and 400 ft altitude, that’s 400 ft distance from launch. So according to the draft rules at 400ft radius you’d have to be at 0 ft altitude.
And there’s a thousand other conditions - tamper-proof, registered factory built test approved craft only…
The way it’s written hobby built and custom craft will be phased out, as will be approved flying sites.
In the end you’ll be limited to sub 250g or off-the-shelf approved craft with RID trackable by police and your neighbors.

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I think people are confusing two different things about UAV IDs requirements.

  1. Non commercial UAV where you are flying within line of sight will still be allowed to be custom built and you simply register your UAV in case it goes stray. Its basically a level of responsibility being put on the owner to be responsible. I think its a good thing because RC hobby has been around for over 50 years, we all carry AMA insurance and always fly UAVs at designated flying fields within USA. AMA is making sure this freedom will not be compromised going forward by so called “selected” corporate entities who want to monopolize the UAV industry.

  2. Commercial UAV use and beyond line of sight flying is a whole different ball game.

Do we really want a 20KG UAV going stray and crashing on a busy high way. I am sure no one wants it.

Do we really want people to fly drones and spy on neighbors. I hope not.

Two different topics.

In switzerland they have already implemented a system for UAVs working in harmony with traditional air traffic.

All this mess in US is due to a whole bunch of people built drones and started flying them off their backyards, There was a fire and guy flew his drone and started video tapping and almost crashed into a police chopper, zero knowledge of AMA rules, list goes on thats why FAA panicked to jumped in.

Fly UAV at your local flying field and you will not have any problems.

I even flew a custom plane off Southern California local airport. Just called the local tower got the permission and zero issues.

We must control irresponsible flyers else yes we will loose the privilege of building and flying.

p.s. what about hacker hacking into your custom 10Kg UAV :slight_smile: Mavlink, and RC hobby radios can be hacked.

This is a very complicated subject and thats why its going to take another 2 years to come up with a reliable but EVER changing system of rules as we learn more.

So, that’s why I like my home country.
It is not a world leader but it also not a world leader of controlling “irresponsible” persons.
I really happy not having FAA there and possibly of building and flying.

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Well, we all love our countries but every country has their fare share of idiots :slight_smile:

This is what its all about.

What country you live in? I am moving there :slight_smile:

interfering, butt-in-your-face FAA. Again.

Lol :slight_smile: i know how you feel…

It’s not the FAA. It’s Congress that thought it up and passed the law (in the form of H.R.302) if you want to point fingers. The US Dept of Transportation thru the FAA is just charged with implementing and enforcing it. And the FAA was given a deadline as to when it has to be implemented.

The FAA does not make laws, they are only a regulatory enforcement agency.



Thanks for chime in on this delicate subject. There is lot of misconception among hobbyist about this issue and we are barking at the messengers…

Just to cheer people up

and Educational
