Hi Dunc,
Don’t get the Spektrum 6XI, You should get at least the DX7 if you are going to do Spektrum.
It is possible there are other (Non-Spektrum PPM Sum receivers available, but I cannot confirm this.
If you are planning on using Spektrum with Spektrum receiver, the only choice is to use one of the Spektrum Satellites which do have reduced range, more park flyer range, generally OK with Quadcopters if you don’t fly too far away.
The only bad thing about the Taranis is that they are hard to get because production so far has been inadequate I would most highly recommend that one if you can get it.
I am using a 3DR PPM-Sum encoder with a regular receiver on my Hitec Aurora 9 and I don’t like it because the PPM Encoder uses too much power (requiring battery hookup for tuning) and because it has been somewhat flaky.
I am also now using a Spektrum DX7 with a Spektrum satellite receiver which I like better but I currently only have a 2 position mode select because of the way the available switches are laid out (I don’t know if I can fix that).
In the future I will be buying the special multiplatform FRSky Delta 8 receivers to use with my Hitec Aurora 9 transmitter because I really like my Aurora 9 (Translates as easy to program and I know how to program it).
If I were starting from scratch the only one I would consider would be the FRSky Taranis transmitter.
Excellent price and great quality and total compatibility with PPM-SUM also open source programability.
The Turnigy 9X or 9XR are inexpensive choices from Hobbyking, but you still need to add the FRSky transmitter module to make them compatible with their PPM-Sum receivers and by the time you add in the cost of the module it isn’t that much cheaper than a Taranis.
Basically if you can find one, get a Taranis even if you have to get it shipped from Timbuktu.
In case you don’t know, if you are in the US at least you will want a mode 2 transmitter, not mode 1.