Tune in auto is very aggressive compared to stabilise

Hey Shawn
Thanks for the nod. Yes I have a large X quad that’s flying…well was till I took it out of service for a radio upgrade. It was designed to support a number of different FC’s Pixracer was just the choice I landed on. I now have the Makeflyeasy flight controller on board and loving it. Well till I had to send the radio in for work.
If someone is looking for the design I would be glad to help.


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Right, I’m with you now, Shawn - I went back and read my last post before the picture.

We’ve had some horrible weather when I’ve been free so have progressed very little with the flying side of things. I’ll still use this airframe for development work both for myself and the drone so, I’ll take on board what you posted the next time I’m able to get out and fly.

Thanks for the spreadsheet, I look forward to having the time to take it in.

Hi Ricky, thanks for posting in here - I would find it interesting from a design point of view to look at it but would not copy it, as I have my own approach I’m trying to follow.

I want to go in a very modular direction, so this is where I’m focussing my efforts for my next airframe:

Just an idea for modular designs - the old MPX connectors were practically designed to be repeatedly plugged and unplugged, so they could still be useful. They were usually used for servo wiring where wings attached/detached from the fuselage. There are only six pins (that you can use for anything) so you could use more than one connector set if needed.

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Yeah I’ve seen those used in a variety of ways.

I like these:

And there is a variety of the solder tab version that uses an MPX connector.

And these too (but they get expensive quick!)

Powerbox also do a plug set that appears to be based on MPX