I’m using a new M10 GPS module, specifically the Holybro Micro M10 GPS, but it’s struggling to get a GPS fix. When it does get a fix, it doesn’t maintain it for very long, just a minute or two.
What’s the best troubleshooting method I should be using? Are there any tools in MP or external that would help me see the satellite status and other messages from the module?
I’m running Copter 4.4 on a SpeedyBee F405v3. The M10 powers on and MP reports the following messages but only after several minutes. When it doesn’t get a fix, which is most of the time, I don’t get these messages.
EKF3 IMU0 initialised
AHRS: EKF3 active
EKF3 IMU0 tilt alignment complete
EKF3 IMU0 MAG0 initial yaw alignment complete
GPS 1: detected as u-blox at 230400 baud
u-blox 1 HW: 000A0000 SW: ROM SPG 5.10 (7b202e)
EKF3 IMU0 origin set
EKF3 IMU0 is using GPS
Field Elevation Set: 15m