Troubleshooting GPS: No Fix on M10 module

I’m using a new M10 GPS module, specifically the Holybro Micro M10 GPS, but it’s struggling to get a GPS fix. When it does get a fix, it doesn’t maintain it for very long, just a minute or two.

What’s the best troubleshooting method I should be using? Are there any tools in MP or external that would help me see the satellite status and other messages from the module?

I’m running Copter 4.4 on a SpeedyBee F405v3. The M10 powers on and MP reports the following messages but only after several minutes. When it doesn’t get a fix, which is most of the time, I don’t get these messages.

EKF3 IMU0 initialised
AHRS: EKF3 active
EKF3 IMU0 tilt alignment complete
EKF3 IMU0 MAG0 initial yaw alignment complete
GPS 1: detected as u-blox at 230400 baud
u-blox 1 HW: 000A0000 SW: ROM SPG 5.10 (7b202e)
EKF3 IMU0 origin set
EKF3 IMU0 is using GPS
Field Elevation Set: 15m

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Sorry, I have the same problem, have you solved it?

Connect GPS to UBlox u-center software. In there you can test and change all sort of things.
You might also have to change baud rate and update frequency to suit your FC. But usually basic settings are done by the FC unless function is disabled or not able to communicate with GPS unit.

Other thing to consider with any GPS:

  • Keep well away from other electrical equipment and sources of interference like motors, ESC, wiring,…
  • Mount higher up as to have clear view to sky in all directions.