platform setup:
Hexacopter with APM 2.6 running 3.2.1
Ublox GPS, DJI E300 propulsion system, 4S 3300mah
Futaba T7C/R617FS
Originally I built this platform with a CC3D flight controller. Flew very smooth. But I want to get into missions so I purchased an APM. Got it installed and have run into issues. I am continuing to research this forum looking into this issue.
Pre-arm check always gives me an “RC not calibrated” error even though I have gone through the radio calibration steps. I have searched the APM forum but couldn’t find a solution, just the work around of disabling the RC check. So in an effort to see if the thing will fly I disabled the RC check.
This allows me to arm. Successful arming and the motors are engaged. I throttle up and it starts to, for lack of a better term, "sputter’ kinda bouncing around but never lifting. Throttle at max and it doesn’t leave the ground.
I downloaded the dataflash logs from the APM and can review them through the mission planner. I need to do more research on how to read the logs, that is a work in progress.
I also ran a log analysis using the built-in tool in MP, output shown below.
I also uploaded the logs to dropbox if anyone would like to take a look.
Anyone know the meaning of the bolded info below?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Vehicle type ArduCopter
Firmware Version V3.2.1
Firmware Hash 36b405fb
Hardware Type
Free Mem 0
Skipped Lines 0
Test: Autotune = UNKNOWN - No ATUN log data
Test: Balance/Twist = GOOD -
Test: Brownout = GOOD -
Test: Compass = GOOD - No MAG data, unable to test mag_field interference
Test: Dupe Log Data = GOOD -
Test: Empty = FAIL - Empty log? Throttle never above 20%
Test: Event/Failsafe = FAIL - ERRs found: FS_BATT GPS
Test: GPS = FAIL - Min satellites: 0, Max HDop: 2.68
Test: IMU Mismatch = UNKNOWN - No IMU log data
Test: Parameters = GOOD -
Test: PM = GOOD -
Test: Pitch/Roll = GOOD -
Test: Thrust = GOOD -
Test: VCC = GOOD