Trouble Parsing Arducopter 3.6dev log

I also tested your new version on a 1.3 GB log file and it worked fine now. It had troubles with a 321 MB file in the past on Windows (worked on Linux). Nice work!

I wish I could take any credit, but it’s been the fantastic work by @billb and @Arne-W --I’m just the “build guy”.

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Great work @billb, @Arne-W and @carpy! The plotting capability works very well on large (>1GB) log files.

@rrr6399 nice to hear that it works for those really big log files - during redesign I only tested against a 230MB log file. Hope you like some of the new features like cursors and presets.
@carpy - only the build guy?! You are the one who provides usable versions to everyone! Thank you for that!

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would it be possible to have the 2.0.25 version for Windows 32 bit ?
Thanks !

Try this guy and let me know if it doesn’t work and I will see what I can do.

I download this file “apmplanner2-installer-win32.exe” and receive this error :

OK, thanks. Let me look at it when I get a chance.

@lucamax Try this installer for Windows 32-bit:

Thanks carpy, I’ll let you know ASAP if it works .

Still have the same message error

Ok, I’ll look a deeper and get back to you.

Ok, try again please (sorry I don’t have a win32 system):

Hi, a different error now

Oh man, that sucks. Let me look again, we having fun yet? :slight_smile:

Let’s hope you @lucamax have better success with this one built with Qt 5.6.3:


Well, lets hope @lucamax 3rd time is a charm:

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Thanks but I’am afraid we need some kind of exorcism !


Hmm…bummer. I’m out of ideas.

What 32-bit version of Windows exactly?