Tritilt VTOL Mid-Air Backflip

In 2016 we had started to build up Tritilt VTOL named “Mozart”. Now @Walter and me have decided to dismantle this VTOL.
At Mozart’s last flight into retirement we tested successfully a mid-air Backflip.



Hi Rolf,

Wow, has it been 4 years already?!?!

Just so I understand this correctly, you forced the plane on its back with the sticks and then the APM controller fixed it?

Mozart deserves a peaceful retirement!


Hi Greg,

Yes, @Tridge opened this thread in May 2016 Tiltrotor support for plane
We liked your CL_84.

It is actually very simple: At a safe altitude you switch to QHOVER. When the airplane stands still, you switch directly to manual mode. This stops the rear engine immediately and the backward somersault begins. Then just switch to FBWA or QHOVER and Arduplane straightens the plane safely.

The fuselage gets a place of honor next to the workbench :smile:


what a way to go out! Mozart was instrumental in the development of tilt vectored quadplanes for ArduPilot. I remember feeling quite nervous as you tested all the early code. It has been a great plane and will always have a fond place in my heart.
Thanks @Rolf and @Walter !

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