Triggering a CHDK camera (5V pulse) with Pixhawk 2?

An APM outputs 5V and an unmodified cable can be used to trigger the camera. A Pixhawk outputs 3.3V and a step-up cable is required. What is the output of the Pixhawk 2?

Sugestion and question at the same time. Are yoouu going to use APM/Pixhawk/Anyother pulse directly to trigger the camera? My sugestion is that you do that through a transistor 2N2222 would be enough. If you are using a servo, there is no need of all this.

Hell Fabio,
The method I use is outlined on this web page:

I use an APM for mapping. I have a Pixhawk, but the APM setup is simpler.

It is the same. Instead of directly connecting the cmera through usb to the controller, you shoud use a cheap transistor. I.e. connect the base to the trigger of the controller, the emmitter to the ground and the camera and collertor to 5V. THis way you can control any voltage without risking your ardupilot.

wow bisenberger, thanks for the link that is exactly the tutorial you need.

Can you share a little about your gimbal and how you control it? Are you doing this for photogrammetry?

Hi AlexL,
I don’t use a gimbal. I have my camera pointing
straight down. I use rubber-bands to attach an anti-vibration mount and
camera to the battery on the bottom of my quad. Yes, I’m doing this for
photogrammetry. Here’s a link if you want to check out some of my models
on Sketchfab:

Wow these models are great thanks, the detail is astounding. I am actually learning this so I can make models for an archaeologist!

The simplicity of your setup is also encouraging. I will focus on learning triggering rather than the gimbal setup. If you have any other tips or resources anything is appreciated.

May I ask what camera you are using? I need to select a camera and learn about chdk as my next step. My quad is a medium size so I am not going to be carrying a DSLR.

I would start with a cheap compact canon until you feel comfortable/confident with your setup.

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