I’m having problems getting a stable first flight with a tri-copter that I built from plans.
Hardware: Pixhawk
Software: ArduCopter 3.2.1
Radio: Spektrum DX8
Receiver: OrangeRx R620X + R110X satellite
uBlox GPS and Compass
ESC: HobbyKing 20A UBEC w/ SimonK firmware
History: My first flight attempt used the Spektrum satellite receiver. It immediately corkscrewed on takeoff, and I learned in a hurry that I needed to set RC7_REV to -1 because my tail gimbal servo was backwards.
Then I switched to the OrangeRX receiver + satellite as I wanted full range. It seemed my controller axes were set wrong, likely thanks to how Orange sends this via SBUS; I needed to set:
Binding the radio with a full -150% negative throttle now results in proper RC failsafe. I then reset my radio to -100% / +100% on throttle, re-calibrated my radio and ESCs.
When trying to fly the copter in Stabilize mode, I now see that the left motor spins faster than the right, so when gently increasing the throttle, the left side lifts off first. It seems to want to roll 30-45 degrees right. This often causes it to crash on the ground. Adding full left aileron stick doesn’t counteract this at all. To try to see if it was applying a backwards correction, I duplicated the same test, but lifting the right leg by hand to start it in a left roll, the intention being to see if it would want to roll left. It didn’t; it still wanted to roll right.
I did an accelerometer re-calibration, and I’m still getting the same error. Giving it a burst of throttle to get it clear of the ground, I noticed that it appeared fairly stable in terms of pitch and yaw, but behaved as if it was commanded to roll 30-45 degrees right, and it would just fly right at high speed. Left aileron stick did nothing. I did not attempt controlling it with the rudder stick to steer it, but instead brought it down with throttle and crashed it.
This just seems weird. Even if something were mechanically wrong with the right motor, I’d think the software should see the large right roll and either decrease left motor speed or increase the right speed. I’m sure the props are all the same and all motors spin CCW. If a control were somehow reversed, I’d expect the copter to flip, but it doesn’t do that. If left to its own devices, it will just want to hold a constant right roll.
Looking at the log file for ATT, I see that when it is on the ground, it has a desired roll of 21, actual roll close to 0. After takeoff, desired roll shoots up to 45 and actual roll catches up with it. I thought the docs said these were tenths of degrees, but if they were whole degrees, then this definitely agrees with observed behavior. The log file shows an aborted flight, followed at the end by the flight in question. (And thanks to Google Earth, I can see exactly where it crashed into a small bridge!) I’m going to try to attach it.
I noted in the release notes possible problems with RCMAP. Could this be causing what I’m experiencing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.