Trex 600 configuration help GPS/ Telemetry

My build is a Trex 600 DFC, 
Align servos, 
Scorpion HK-3536-510, 
Castle Phoenix Edge HV 80, 
Mateksys H743-Wing 3, 
Neo 7N from an old APM 2.8 kit, 
Batt Setup 8S. 
Arducopter 4.51

  • Spent 2 days trying to get the GPS to be recognized see attached for config, photos wiring, etc
    GPS is wired to UART 2 TX/RX2 DA1/CA1 the wiring could be wrong tried every wire out I could find
    MP as far as I can tell is not seeing the GPS and possibly the compass
  • Can’t get telemetry ELRS This could be APM or just that I don’t much about the radio etc.
  • ESC telem.
    NOTE ELRS and ESC telem has been disabled due to trying to fix the GPS

trex600.param (21.8 KB)

As I don’t can identify your GPS Neo 7N board can you provide a link to the datasheet with showing the pin no of all signals on the connector.
Also write exact which pin no and signal of rhe GPS is connected to which pin no and signal of the FC. Writing is in rhis case clearer as the pictures.

If the GPS wire colours match those in the Matek manual, it seems to me you’ve got them connected in the wrong order on the FC. I’ve replied in more detail to your RCG post.

Ok so after some sleep I took the gps apart and found the pinout “im a moron”. Rewired check photos. Still no connection
It should be wired to match matek
Also tried different baud
Those are the ones I could find on various sites

@MichaelJMAD if you wired it incorrectly, then it’s possible that you may have fried the GPS. I’ve got personal experience with this. Not necessarily this set up though. So I could be wrong.

Agree however the only pins that were wrong were data.
the compass and GPS tx/rx were swapped
Also, note the LEDs are showing green and blinking blue

Good. Glad you didn’t fry it

Ok, so update tested the GPS with a Ras pi
was working fine. so I plugged it into uart 7 and it’s working…
7 is the port I need for Elrs telem I believe.
Going to test UART 2 and see if the ELRS works there. Now it is just testing trying to figure out why

edit Did the testing stated and everything seems to be working as normal also hooked the GPS back up to UART 2 and it’s working fine “@!#!@#” So idk, a new issue/persisting issue the compass is not being detected. I have a different GPS/MAG it is the same model just on a quad going to pull it and see if the compass detects