I had the same problem, and from what I rember there was message that the option 219 is invalid; my guess is that starting from some build there was a mix-up.
Thank you for the pointer
I’ve upgraded to v4.6 Beta and it now works correctly using 219
Just hoping I’m not adding any unknowns with a Beta2 version
I’ve done some flying with 4.6 Beta 2 and no problems, it should be good.
To use those Tune parameters prior to 4.6 you just need to have nothing else set for RC6 RC6_OPTION,0
and set you transmitter to use channel 6.
Then these work as if by magic
I chose this range because the default 0.15 is fairly snappy, 0.2 suits a whole range of copters, 0.3 is getting sluggish and suits being careful with a sensitive payload. It reality we just leave it at 0.2 now and we can use that channel for other things if we need to.