Transmitter Tuning not responding in copter v4.5.7


I have:
RC12_OPTION @ 219
TUNE @ 45
TUNE_MIN @ 0.1
TUNE_MAX @ 0.2

RC channel 12 responds to TX pot in Radio Calibration screen
But no changes are made to ATC_INPUT_TC (radio feel)

I am refreshing the parameters to check for change but ATC_INPUT_TC stays at it’s original 0.15

Any suggestions please guys?
Thank you

I had the same problem, and from what I rember there was message that the option 219 is invalid; my guess is that starting from some build there was a mix-up.

Thank you for the pointer
I’ve upgraded to v4.6 Beta and it now works correctly using 219
Just hoping I’m not adding any unknowns with a Beta2 version :grinning:

I will wait out the first few crashes by the more audicious… I will stick to manual tuning for the time being, then I will upgrade.

Beta version are usually solid. It’s the Dev version you want to understand that unexpected things may happen. I have test mule craft for that.

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:+1: Thank You,

I’ve done some flying with 4.6 Beta 2 and no problems, it should be good.

To use those Tune parameters prior to 4.6 you just need to have nothing else set for RC6
and set you transmitter to use channel 6.
Then these work as if by magic :slight_smile:


I chose this range because the default 0.15 is fairly snappy, 0.2 suits a whole range of copters, 0.3 is getting sluggish and suits being careful with a sensitive payload. It reality we just leave it at 0.2 now and we can use that channel for other things if we need to.

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A while ago I have setup on a different channel and it did not work…