Tracker-4.6.0-beta3 is available for beta testing

Tracker-4.6.0-beta3 has been released and can be installed using MP or QGC’s “Beta firmwares” link. Alternatively it can be downloaded directly from

The changes vs -beta2 are in the ReleaseNotes and copied below

  1. Board specfic changes
  • AEROFOX-H7 support
  • AET-H743-Basic support
  • ESP32 memory initialisation fix
  • MicoAir743AIO and MicoAir743v2 support
  • OrqaF405Pro supports ICM42688 IMU
  • TBS Lucid Pro support
  1. Plane related enhancements and bug fixes
  • RC aux channel option for C++ QuikTune
  • TECs uses external HAGL (if available) for landing
  1. DDS/ROS2 pre-arm check and copter takeoff service

  2. Bug Fixes and minor enhancements

  • BATTx_OPTIONS param desc fixed
  • BLHeli telemetry ESC index fixed on boards with IOMCU
  • CAN manager logging critical race condition fixed (only occurred if CAN_LOGLEVEL was 1 or higher)
  • DShot EDTv2 logging fixed
  • ICM45686 IMU FIFO read rate fixed (could read unnecessarily quickly)
  • LDRobot LD06 proximity driver prevents possible read buffer overrun
  • LDRobot LD06 proximity driver averages over 2deg slices (was 12 deg)
  • RunCam/OSD menu movements obey RC channel reversal
  • Topotek camera gimbal pitch rate control direction fixed
  • TradHeli AutoTune rate and accel limiting fixed
  • VTOL-quiktune script gets QUIK_ANGLE_MAX to prevent bad oscillation if tuning algorithm fails

In general 4.6.0 seems quite stable but there is one stubborn issue to do with QuadPlane attitude control that needs to be cleared up before we can promote 4.6.0 to be the stable release.

As always we very much appreciate any help we can get with beta testing so all feedback is very welcome!