Tower (DroidPlanner3)

Latest version of DroidPlanner is available at Google store

It may be necessary to install also 3DR Service on your device:

I use it from ßeta and I’m happy with it and my VRBrain cards.


:smiley: Looks great! Is there documentation available for it yet?

Developers like to hide functions.
This time, the survey function in Edit Mode is hidden behinde the Track button.
We need to press the Track button to get a new button to select the menu where we can select the survey function.
Instead of one click we need three clicks.
See attached pic.
And even the App is called Tower, the datas (Missions) are stored in the folder Droidplanner.

When I use survey or structure as soon as I try to open the wp tower will stop.

Is the “DroidPlanner” forum also going to be the “Tower” forum here? I’ve not yet ran Tower. Is it essentially built on top of DroidPlanner 2 or is it a different animal altogether?

How to set later a second DO_SET_ROI command in the mission with all zero for Lat, Lon and Alt?

Likewise curious about this? How do I set a second ROI to turn off ROI? I can’t enter latitude/longitude of zero in Tower.

I have a Mini APM that shows the atasl reading in the Tower App instead of the Zeroed out Baro reading.
This only shows this way with Arduplane.
When I load the Mini with Arducopter it shows the correct reading of Zero in the Tower App at takeoff.

I can’t see anywhere in Tower or the Mini’s parameter file that is causing this.
atasl (Above Sea Level) for where I live is 465" or 142 meters.
In other words the Tower reading is always + 465’ to high.
Mission Planner shows the correct ( Zero) reading with both Arducopter / Arduplane.

Any ideas?

I fly yesterday for the first time with Tower and (APM 2.0) plane and notice the same, please post if you find the answer :wink: , I’m going to see how to change too.

Baro reading not being reset to Zero

Well I was beginning to think I did something wrong.
I have searched all over & have 3 messages on different Forms.
No answer yet.

Why do you save the waypoints files with a dpwp extension?
So, this file can not be read with Mission Planner for Windows PC.
Could you tell me what planner you recommand for a Windows PC?

[quote=“lorbass”]Developers like to hide functions.
This time, the survey function in Edit Mode is hidden behinde the Track button.
We need to press the Track button to get a new button to select the menu where we can select the survey function.
Instead of one click we need three clicks.
See attached pic.
And even the App is called Tower, the datas (Missions) are stored in the folder Droidplanner.[/quote]

I have Tower 3.2…I can’t find the survey function anywhere…no matter what I try.
Any ideas?