Topviewer TVA2-50 altimeter radar Problem

I’m trying to install an TVA2-50 radar on my mission planer and at the moment it is impossible to have a height measurement. Current I use orange cube.

what parameters have you set? Is it supported by ardupilot? As I have never heard of them, their site says it’s compatible, but they don’t have any details on the site on how they have actually achieved that. You are going to have to contact the manufacturer of the radar.

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Yes. It is supported by ardupilot.They cooperation with flight controller manufacture. You can check more details on their website:

Ardupilot dont make flight controllers.

I looked at their site and didnt see any information on how it interfaces with ardupilot.

on that site it just says “It is compatible with Ardupilot/PX4 flight control platform” there is no mention how it does that, what protocal baudrate etc.