TOPAZ PPK service

Hello, colleagues.

Would like to infom you if you have troubles w/ PPK especially in challenging environment, there is TOPAZ PPK online service available which could give you precise positions better than RTKLib.

Is there a cost associated?
File size limitations?
User data stored, collected (or sold)?

I see that Clive, the most active/informative member of the u-Blox forum occasionally recommends these tools. I’ll take that as a measure of legitimacy.

I did a few minor experiments today with the TOPAZ, WAY, and RINEX tools. While I can’t speak to their accuracy, the user friendliness is quite good! So far, it appears these tools are free for public use.


I have to admit that I’m fairly impressed with the toolset you provide seemingly free of charge with what appears to be no strings attached, though I’d still like answers to the questions I asked earlier.

Additionally, can you give some concrete evidence that your analysis outperforms RTKLib? Can you back those claims?

Also, can you give some examples of use cases? Specifically, I’d like to see an example of refining a self-surveyed base station position using NTRIP/CORS and TOPAZ (including recommended sample time and log message types).

I’m struggling just a bit with that. I thought as long as RAWX and SFRBX were present, along with a good fix, post-processing should be possible. WAY shows my UBX file as valid, but I cannot get TOPAZ to cooperate unless I enable TMODE3 (fixed), output MSM4 or MSM7, and use RTCM3 as the basis for PPK. I don’t think fixed mode should be a requisite, right?

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Hello @Yuri_Rage ,

Answering all of your questions one by one:

  1. Is there a cost associated?

For the time being, all is free of charge. Later some options will be provided by subscriptions still keeping free of charge options.

  1. File size limitations?

For the time being, almost no limitations (999 MB). Later, some may appear

  1. User data stored, collected (or sold)?

All uploaded data are not disclosed / provided to 3rd parties.

  1. the user friendliness is quite good!

Thank you!

  1. Additionally, can you give some concrete evidence that your analysis outperforms RTKLib? Can you back those claims?

One could try to process data provided in articles using RTKLib or based on RTKLib core Emlid Studio:
§ 009. GNSS post-processing of static files by TOPAZ
§ 010. GNSS post-processing of kinematic files by TOPAZ
Meantime, will add few extra articles in coming weeks

  1. Also, can you give some examples of use cases? Specifically, I’d like to see an example of refining a self-surveyed base station position using NTRIP/CORS and TOPAZ (including recommended sample time and log message types).

Yes, no problems. Will add article in 1-2 weeks.

  1. but I cannot get TOPAZ to cooperate unless I enable TMODE3 (fixed), output MSM4 or MSM7, and use RTCM3 as the basis for PPK. I don’t think fixed mode should be a requisite, right?

Concrete data set should be checked / analyzed on our side. Please send us this set (see Contact page on web-site). We will dig deeper.