Vibration Analysis:
Following the Wiki- Diagnosing Problems Using Tlogs.
The guide states the logs are best viewed using IMU - ACCX, ACCY, ACCZ
However, viewing the “Graph This” (see screen shot) I don’t see those parameters listed.
Has something changed with the 3.2 upgrade?
I’m not having any flight problems. However, I’ve noticed a very minor amount of vibration in my videos. I would want to get up to speed and prepare for AutoTune, to see if I can improve the video.
Pixhawk 2.4.5
MP 1.3.15
AC 3.2
On Tlog Graph This; Checked the acc cal X, acc cal Y, Acc cal Z
On KML Mav log: Click IMU Raw on side bar. Then check accx, accy, accz
[quote=“FullScalePilot2”]Vibration Analysis:
Following the Wiki- Diagnosing Problems Using Tlogs.
The guide states the logs are best viewed using IMU - ACCX, ACCY, ACCZ
However, viewing the “Graph This” (see screen shot) I don’t see those parameters listed.
Has something changed with the 3.2 upgrade?
I’m not having any flight problems. However, I’ve noticed a very minor amount of vibration in my videos. I would want to get up to speed and prepare for AutoTune, to see if I can improve the video.
Pixhawk 2.4.5
MP 1.3.15
AC 3.2[/quote]