Over the last days I learned how to review Tlogs. I ran the tlog for a recent flight and checked the “Tuning"box”. When I double-clicked the graph window, a list of parameters appeared. I am unable to find definitions for this list even though I was able to get the definitions for the “Klog > Tml or Graph” option which is a less useful function. Viewing the parameters as they changed in real time helped me pinpoint which ones seemed especially active beginning at approximately the 83.6 percent point, time of my near fly-away. I have the list of suspect parameters, but I’m not sure how to interpret them. If I supplied them, would it be possible to let me know what they may point to? I’m wondering if there was external radio interference or wind or both.
These are the parameters: ber_error, Remnoise, alt_error, logarithmic, groundcourse, gyrosq, magfield3 (in: ch4, ch7, out: 1,2,3,4), ch3percent, nav_bearing, alt_error, wind_vel, targetaltd100, rssi, remssi, noise, remote_snrdb, linkqualitygcs.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide.