Do dataflash log files contain all the information in the equivilent .tlog files?
I.e. can I create a .tlog file given a .log file?
Not really. tlogs contain a stream of mavlink messages. Dataflash log entries are different, though the data overlaps. Why?
I was wondering if it was possible to generate the tlog from the dataflash log. I had the impression that tlogs contained a subset of the data contained in dataflash logs.
Sometimes it tlogs are more convenient (like when I want to generate KML from the log file), but I don’t have them to hand.
[quote=“hoppy1977”]I was wondering if it was possible to generate the tlog from the dataflash log. I had the impression that tlogs contained a subset of the data contained in dataflash logs.
Sometimes it tlogs are more convenient (like when I want to generate KML from the log file), but I don’t have them to hand.[/quote]
Sorry, that is not possible to my knowledge and would be much more complicated than just adapting the tool to work on dataflash logs. Further, the data in dataflash logs is distributed to different messages with different timings than mavlink messages, so a really direct conversion isn’t exactly possible.
Fair enough.
Thanks for your help.