TKOFF_TDRAG_ELEV its not holding the tail on the ground

i have tail drager on 4.4.0 if i do an auto mission takeoff i have set TKOFF_TDRAG_ELEV to 90% works i have tried it at -90 as well TKOFF_TDRAG_ELEV works the way i set it
but if i try to do takeoff mode by rc channel or an flight mode elev always goes down -90% even if i set it to to 90%

this is TKOFF_TDRAG_ELEV = 90%

this is TKOFF_TDRAG_ELEV = -90%
i trigger takeoff by an rc channel its like it wont’s to go the right way but something is pulling it down

here are the bin logs TKOFF_TDRAG_ELEV -90 and TKOFF_TDRAG_ELEV 90

here are bin logs

to me it looks like TKOFF_TDRAG_ELEV is ignored by TAKEOFF Mode but works in Autotake off mode and takeoff mode in fbwa

Ok solved TKOFF_TDRAG_ELEV in not supported in takeoff mode

only works in autotake off and takeoff in FBWA mode

This is now fixed thanks to Hwurzburg

Plane:add taildrag holdown to TAKEOFF mode by Hwurzburg · Pull Request #24928 · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub