Throttle manual

If you arm but leave interlock disabled (don’t touch ch8 switch), the throttle output will be set at H_RSC_IDLE. This allows you to start the gas engine and let it warm up.

Then you can enable motor interlock ( allow the engine to turn the rotor) using ch8 switch. At this point the throttle output is given by the throttle curve based on the collective stick position.

With Collective stick at minimum, throttle output is given by H_RSC_THRCRV_0

With Collective stick 25% between min and max, throttle output is given by H_RSC_THRCRV_25

With Collective stick at midpoint, throttle output is given by H_RSC_THRCRV_50

With Collective stick 75% between min and max, throttle output is given by H_RSC_THRCRV_75

With Collective stick at maximum, throttle output is given by H_RSC_THRCRV_100


@bnsgeyer Thanks You,

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@bnsgeyer Hi Bill ,
I can control by make H_RSC_THRCRV_0 = 0 (from 25) so in idle state throttle still at zero position
then , Can I manual control pitch angle to always “ZERO” while I make step up throttle please.?
Best Regards.,
Zicroff 0.00 hour flight & experience