my set up : atomrc dolphin tricopter with tilt motor.
speedy bee 405 (ardupilot)
crossfire mavlink
rcin : throotle channel 3
rcout front motors output 2 and 3.
my problem : in transition from Qstab to stab , everything works fine, the minimum airspeed is reached but after the front motors go to 1200 , and i have to go back to q stab rapidely .
What can explain this ?
here are 2 examples on 2 airplanes with the same issue .
Help Please !
Today I tried again with the 4 s plane , took of in qhover, transition ok , and after that no power on the front motors … so i landed in fbwa mode and looked :
When i accelerate ( rc in 3 throttle) i never go up ( 1200ms) on the motors ( rcout 2/3)
When I go back to qhover I get the full power
Blue Line rcin 3
Red Line rcout
the parameters :
today i first flew with a 1600 mah 6s and i managed to make the transition from qstab to stab.
after that i flew with a 1800 mah and the transition didn’t work … from q stab to stab , the power output went to 1200 ms …