Throttle in Auto can't work but steer can

Hi all,
I’m a green hand , and i have a problem about the ArduBoat.
Everything works well including throttle in manual and guided mode,
but throttle won’t work in Auto mode(while steer can work).
I spent a lot of time seraching webs and find this:servo or throttle, only one works at a time.
However,i tried it and failed.So i don’t know how to solve this problem.


Please post a flash log. Can’t help much without one.

Here is it.2019-04-30 23-53-03.bin (683.4 KB)
Thanks for replying fast.

RCIN 5 never changes and it looks like that is your mode channel. Des speed is also zero so I don’t think the vehicle knows it is supposed to be in auto. RCIN 5 stayed at like 1017 the whole time, or close to that.

Thanks David.
The problem has been solved.I just used others’param and successed,but i don’t know which param caused failling.This is which i use others.3_5_0_encoder.param (13.3 KB)And this is which i create.参数.param (11.3 KB)