Throttle for go back?

Help me find the right settings. I have a boat with two motors. The motors are tuned to Servo channel 1 (74) and 2 (73). The boat does not swim back. Forward to the right, to the left, the differential is OK. There is no back. :frowning: Iā€™m using the rover firmware. I have control in mode 1. Right Joystick is only Throttle. Left Joystick differential. I would like to have the Left Joystick for to control forward/backward too. I changed the values PILOT_STEER_TYPE did not help.

Hi Karu,

Probably the best thing to do is to use the mission plannerā€™s motor test page to make sure the two motors are spinning in the right direction. The ā€œTest motor Cā€ and ā€œTest motor Dā€ are the buttons youā€™ll want to push.

If you have a dataflash log of a situation where youā€™ve tried to make the vehicle go backwards that might help figure out whatā€™s going wrong. One thing to check is that the ESCs can go backwards - thereā€™s some advice here on the wiki.

motors rotate correctly. And now I have calibrated the RC and set the Throttle in the middle position. I can swim back. But, I wanted the Throttle to work from minimum to maximum, and the direction changed on the right joystick up / down.


Ah, I see. like a gear shift lever. We donā€™t support that at the moment so itā€™s an enhancement request that you could add to the issues list if youā€™d like. Itā€™s not very hard to add actually, it would require adding a new value to the PILOT_STEER_TYPE parameter and then some extra code in the get_pilot_input() function.

Thank you. I probably do.

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