…and the tremor started in QESTABILICE. The funny thing is that if I start in plane mode (MANUAL or FBWA), I wait 15 sec and change to QESTABILICE, then nothing trembles.
That is weird. I would not have thought that vectored yaw parameter like Q_A_RAT_YAW would have any effect when the plane is unarmed and not hovering. Is the plane set up otherwise? (like ACC Cal, Compass Cal., etc.)
Hi Greg, the plane setup is finished, ready to first test:
Accelerometers & compass calibration, etc…
I have also tried to move the dipole antenna away from the microRx Dragonlink but the movement continue.
Tthe strangest thing is that the movement is not permanent but disappears after 20-30 sec in another plane mode in which the tilt is horizontal. I change to another plane mode because the tremor is very big
You may want to consider using another Tx/Rx system on your initial tests just to eliminate known issues and make it less complicated. I suspect that you will probably not be flying long distance until you gain some confidence in the design so perhaps the Dragonlink system can be replaced. Just a thought to make things easier during the hover and transition testing.
I’ve never had problems with DragonLink, not even on my first vtol. This is my second VTOL project, I do not think that is the worst problem I will continue to filter