The smallest ArduHeli comes from the K120 & KakuteF7mini with a DDFP hollow-cup tail

Copy that. Thanks again.

Good day @zhangsir

Can you post a screenshot of your heli setup?
Just wanted to compare my setup with yours.

I also used a Kakute F7 Mini but cant make the motor spin even if the heli is ARMED. I am thinking that I have the wrong setup. I connected my Servo 1 to M1; Servo 2 to M2; Servo 3 to M3; Tail Motor to M4; and Motor to M5.

The servos and tail motor work but the main motor does not.
Hoping for a response.

Thank you.

Hi, did you figure that out? Iā€™m trying to do something similar.

Hi, I also wonder your motor and servo configuration because Iā€™m stuck as well on this part.


I believe this message was sent to me in error. Although I did play around with Ardupilot I never got it. Please double check the addressee you intend to send it to. Best of luck.