The qground control can't received full set. of parameters

Guys, I manage to download parameters just fine in both QGC and MP over ULRS (which has 19.2k baud uart). It’s download of mission waypoints which is a problem on QGC. They download fine on MP over ULRS (now I have the stream rates properly tuned - see above).

Hi guys ,thanks for all of your help ,I was busy past days so I reply today
I change the QGC to days buid version and change the mavlink speed as Paul post before,it works know but the QGC sometimes will flash back meaning the QGC will closed automatically ,I guss this is DEV version issue。
I have to fix another issue right now ?The ground end of ulrs will interfere with the transmission of the video,the video doesn’t interfere by Ground end of ULRS if i turn it off ,does anyone know how to fix this issue


I’m new to Ardupilot (Rover) but this looks to be relevant. My apologies for reviving an old topic.
I’d like to use QGC on an Android phone to tune some parameters on a USV. I connect to an Access Point established by an ESP8266 which is connected to UART 3 on an F405-SE FC. It clearly connects but the banner announcing Downloading Parameters doesn’t clear. My first question is, Is it possible to use QGC over WiFi for this purpose? Tuning can be done well within WiFi range. If this is possible, I’d like to resolve the comms issue.

Seems the loss rate is likely to be the problem - though vechicle packets lost is zero. For example, I have
packets received from GCS: 4118
Packets sent to GCS: 136746
GCS Packets lost: 19109
Packets received from Vehicle: 132617
Packets sent to vehicle: 4118
Vehicle packets lost: 0

The HUD and compass on the GCS respond to movement of the FC. So some data is clearly getting through. I expect that something in the post by @pauljatherton is relevant - however that is rather too detailed for me initially. But, if

  • my answer is in there somewhere and
  • getting this sorted will allow my tuning approach
    I’ll dig further through it. I’d be grateful for recommendations.

Good day -

I’m a long time QGC and Mission Planner (MP) user with my ArduPlane on my Matek F765 and PixRacer FCs. With my most recent update to the FCs, I have had a peculiar experience with QGC, but not Mission Planner. I have a Mac and use it for both QGC (4.2.1) and MP. I have a Windows 10 VM on my Mac, and access MP through it. I use VMWare Fusion. Here goes:

QGC Behaviour:

  1. Attempt to connect QGC to PixRacer over 3DR. Connection starts, green bar starts, and moves right but then stalls about mid way.
  2. Dialog window appears - cannot receive full set of parameters
  3. Cannot upload/download flight plans, and full telemetry not available.

NOTE - I’ve checked MAVLink packet loss, and it is at 0%

Mission Planner Behavior:

  1. Attempt to connect MP to PixRacer over 3DR. Connection starts, dialog window indicates MAVFTP (may have misspelled), and then fully connects
  2. Telemetry received and am able to upload/download flight plans, etc.

I have been reading through this thread, and I believe this is not a packet loss or HW issue, given that the same actions work in MP but not in QGC.

If I had to guess, I think there is something within QGC that either times out or fails to handshake(?) during the initial connection.

Any ideas?

Hi! Exactly same behaviour. MP works, QGC doesn’t

Hi everyone,

I’ve seen that behaviour in my setup too.
I’ve also tried to connect through MP (works flawless) and then disconnect MP abd connect to QGC whitout truning off the autopilot, that way QGC seems to download the parameters faster and doesn’t give me the download parameter problem.

I still don’t know why this happens