The plane is flying at a constant roll of 20 degrees

Hi everyone! I’d love your opinion. Thank you.

Mateksys f765-wing, jx wp43 servos, swiwin sb300 engine, M10Q-5883

Actually here it is, the aircraft for some reason flew with a 20 degree roll and maintained it. Also the plane was rocking on the roll.
My .bin log
Another one .bin log
and second .bin (large >1GB

Most likely your aircraft has some asymmetry that causes it to drift. When flying in heading control modes (Cruise/Guided/Auto) the way for Ardupilot to maintain heading is to introduce a roll to compensate for the deviation.

You can test this assumption by flying in a mode without heading control (Manual/Stabilized/FBWA/FBWB). In this case the aircraft will fly with zero roll but will deviate from the heading.

All this with the assumption that the controller alignment is correct (and it probably will be).

On the other hand, your EKF3 sensor integrator is not achieving correct solutions and these erroneous solutions are what it passes to the AHRS. This can lead to an accident at some point.

Valid values from 0 to 0.5. Occasionally acceptable from 0.5 to 1. Above 1 is not valid.

In the following document you will find information on how to interpret these graphs (at the end of the document, in the section on EKF4.*)

Extended Kalman Filter Navigation Overview and Tuning

Employing SERVO_AUTO_TRIM aids in flight stability.

It is not the solution to your problem for two reasons. First, I don’t think its performance limits are capable of ‘correcting’ your problem. And the second is that problems should be eliminated at source and not ‘camouflaged’.

In any case, I recommend that you activate SERVO_AUTO_TRIM.

Automatic Trim

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This is a very good answer and analysis of my log, Lano. Thx u so much, I’ll study this issue further.