The connection problem between odroid xu4 and pixhawk

HI, I am connecting the pixhawk with Odrod xu4 which installed Ubuntu 14.04 with FTDI-USB cable follow the tutorial here: I also used the TELEM 2 port. I powered the pixhawk with usb cable directly connect to my laptop, and found the device in odroid is serial.
Do I need to active the TELEM 2 port on Mission PLanner? I seems like it already done in that software.

Could any one give me some suggestions.
Also, I want to use mavros to control AMP stack based pixhawk do some autonomous flights and implement obstacle avoidance algorithm later. It should be ok?
Thanks for your help.

Hi, I am trying to implement something similar. Could you please share some more information on this? How did you go about using mavros? Any sample code that I can use for testing? Thanks

Have you looked on our (ArduPilot) wiki ?

Most of ArduPilot companion computer do control the vehicle using Python and Mavlink tool kit : Dronekit

Here is an example of an Ardupilot controlled by a Raspberry PI using Dronekit: