The Bicopter Debacle (as requested)

I wonder if I should just put betaflight back on it, get it configured and see what works and doesn’t, just to rule some things out…

I did this hwdef - all the goku’s support bi-directional dshot out of the box, there is no separate binary.

Well, I flashed it to betaflight, tried every pin-mapping and combo I can think of: PWM on all the motors, remap servo to unused rx/tx, traced the extra pads on the bottom, reassigned the neopixel pad… Nothing no servo pwm signal at all… As a last resort I sent an email to the Flywoo support guys, but I am not super hopeful.

I am using a different flight controller (F405-Wing), so if the main problem in the current thread is hardware, my experience is out of question.

Per the discussion Max and I had, I am switching to an F403 variant, I guess I’ll just shelf the goku and use it on my next quad.

That answers that, may want to update the documents

Using Max’s solution of replacing the FC got me in the air.