TF02-Pro can't be detected by arducopter

I’m trying to use my TF02-Pro lidar with ardupilot but it can’t seem to be detected. I keep getting the “Rangefinder1 not detected” error and sonarrange=0 even when following the instruction from this page Benewake TF02 / TF03 lidar/ TF-Luna — Copter documentation and trying all different wiring configurations. I am using a px4 and the red light on the lidar is showing so I know it’s being powered on. The lidar is relatively new so does anyone know how I can fix this issue? Thanks!


Yes, I have some copters that use TF02-Pro (UART) and can confirm they work fine with recent firmware versions.

I meant Pixhawk instead of PX4 in my post. @Clogz how did you get it to work? did you need to update the firmware from Benewake?

I use a CubeOrange and didn’t have to change anything on the TF02-Pro. I just followed the Wiki and after making the changes and rebooting everything works as expected.

I assume you’ve modified the cable that cable with the Benewake to fit your Pixhawk Telem port…perhaps you need to swap TX & RX around for the communication to work.