Testing Ardupilot ROS 2 Installation Failed


I’m trying to install ROS2 for ArduPilot following this. I’ve installed ROS2 Humble and configured everything. I’ve also set up the ArduPilot build environment.

When I run the colcon test --executor sequential --parallel-workers 0 --base-paths src/ardupilot --event-handlers=console_cohesion+ in the “test your ArduPilot ROS 2 installation” section, I get this error:

Screenshot from 2024-09-27 01-14-06

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I just deleted all the files of ROS2 Humble and ArduPilot. Including all the Python packages the scripts installed. After that I reinstalled it carefully and it works now. I think the reason it was failing was because a newer version of the python package “flake8” was installed. I installed the older one with the dependencies installation script and it works!

The reason a newer version of “flake8” may have been installed is because I tried to build ROS2 from source instead of using the .deb method that is recommended. So make sure to do it through the recommended .deb method to prevent any issues down the line.

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