Terrain highlighting on osd

In short, is it possible to use the SRTM data used in terrain follow feature, to create a computer generated highlight of the terrain, for the visual real time fpv feed (using an osd).  I’ve seen some heads up displays made for miniature p-51 mustangs, and was wondering if a hud with terrain highlighting would be technically possible with hobby osd’s, or an additional processing computer.  

My presumption, is that the osd would have to get the terrain elevation data, from a pre loaded repository on the ardupilot fc, or a computer at the ground station could upload the data, via a telemetry mavlink radio system.  

More info regarding the system: Hello, I was wondering if anybody knows, if any commercially available*emphasized text*, or open source systems, have a terrain mapping overlay feature, which highlights the terrain with some kind of graphic fusion overlay.

I came across a video describing the system used in certain kinds of private jet aircraft, and was wondering if it has any kind of similar system, or features that could be implanted into a pre existing product (granted it might not be feasible, it have any particular benefit per say for general flying).

“Gulfstream Enhanced Vision System (EVS), also called enhanced flight vision system (EFVS). The HUD shows the usual information (attitude, altitude, airspeed, etc.) and can additionally show the image of a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) camera.”

Link to article:

https://aviation.stackexchange.com/q…ft/88969#88969emphasized textSystem on private jet

I don’t think it is really possible to do VR rendering on an STM processor. It would be better to have such system on GCS. In fact somebody did some work on a 3d map in Mission Planner though it isn’t fully functional

Thank you. Maybe there’s a way to get a the terrain data via the computer connected to a hotspot c or pre loaded google maps data. From that point, it the flight controller can have a buffer system to lower latency (only loads enough terrain highlighting data as it can handle without slowing down the graphic processing speeds).

I’m not sure if the right away to implement this, but if anyone has a pipeline suggestion of how to implement this, that would be appreciated. This is a good starting point for brainstorming.

It will be vastly more efficient to do the synthetic vision on the ground as you need significantly less bandwidth to transmit data needed for that than the whole image. Think <50kbps compared to at least few Mbps. You can also use significantly better maps, especially high resolution (~1m DTM vs 100 or 30m Ardupilot uses) you can additionally have a database of tall structures so you can avoid that radio mast that was erected after DTM was updated.