Terrain Following Aggressiveness in 4.3.7

Hello everyone. I am currently blending values from an automotive radar and Lightware Rangefinder for terrain following in 4.3.7. Everything appears to be working, however the aircraft seems to be responding to terrain changes very conservatively. Flying over a fairly significant altitude change in terrain, I only see a pitch angle of around 5 degrees in response. What I would like to see is a more aggressive pitch angle in response to terrain changes. I have seen that RNGFND_GAIN is the parameter that affects this, however I cannot seem to find it in this build of Arduplane. Is there anything else I can fiddle with? Thanks in advance!

There is a new param RNGFND_FILT

Hey Lupus, I did read into this parameter. I cannot seem to find it in the full list though, is it an enable parameter to your knowledge?

RNGFND_FILT appears to be Copter only.

My bad as Yuri said the parameter is copter only.
Plane uses TERRAIN_LOOKAHED to smooth out the terrain following though it likely is limited to following terrain model and doesn’t work with rangefinder. There also are filtering settings for the actual rangefinder.

That is super unfortunate that it’s copter only :confused: I’ll look into TERRAIN_LOOKAHEAD and the rangefinder’s settings as well. I really appreciate your help! Maybe the devs can add that parameter back in for the next firmware release…

Copter and Plane work differently by necessity, so it isn’t as simple as just copying a feature directly from one to the other.

Reducing TERRAIN_LOOKAHEAD should result in the behavior you seek (at the risk of not looking ahead far enough and causing CFIT if the terrain is rapidly rising).

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