I thought I understand Terrain following and the attributes pretty well until recently. I boot up on a hill that is about 275 ASL. I fly reference to Home. I expect Ter Alt to be reference to any earth surface. Therefore, At Home, the Ter Alt should be zero, it’s not. Please unconfuse me. I need to fly AGL and that’s what I thought Terrain follow would do.
Thanks for any help.
Hi Icarus,
Can you give some more details about how you set up your waypoints/enabled terrain following? Are you using absolute/relative height? Did you enable verify height and prefetch map data?
[quote=“MarioSpeedwagon”]Hi Icarus,
Can you give some more details about how you set up your waypoints/enabled terrain following? Are you using absolute/relative height? Did you enable verify height and prefetch map data?[/quote]
Terrain following is enabled. Terrain is terrain so I’m not sure what the other attributes matter?
I use relative height and pre-fetch map date. When I used terrain follow in the past, ter_alt made sense in other words it gave me the plane’s AGL. And yes I have verify height but again, that should have nothing to do with terrain altitude reading.