Telemtry lost in auto mode

Hi all, I have a Crius AIO and the RcTimer 433MHz telemetry kit, it works prety well. But the problem is that as soon as I enter in auto mode I lost the telemetry link, and I recover it as soon as I switch the auto mode off. Any idea from where this is coming from ?

Thank you


That sounds like a bug in the AIO port of Arducopter. You should ask the developers of the port for support. If I remember right, they have a support thread on RC-Groups somewhere,

Ok thank you very much, I’ll try to find this thread

Actually this problem occures as soon as I switch on a mode which uses GPS (loiter, Guided, Auto). I’ve change the config of the GPS and now I have telemetry but at a very low update rate. Maybe my crius cpu is overloaded ? Any idea ?

Again, please contact the guys that ported the APM software to the Crius AIO. As far as I know, no APM developer was involved in that project, so they very likely won’t be able to help you.