Telemetry w/ Frsky not Working

This is my first time using the Frsky hardware and I’m having issues getting telemetry into the Tx. I have the Rx Smart Port connected to the Pixhawk 2.1 at the TELEM 2 port. In MP, I have set SERIAL2_PROTOCOL to “10” which is for “FrSky SPort Passthrough”.

On the Tx, I have loaded Firmware OpenTx 2.2.0 with lua scripting enabled.

I turned on the Tx, started sensor discovery, then powered on the Rx. Within ~10 sec a GPS sensor appeared and that’s it. The GPS sensor appears to be putting out reasonable values. The other sensors are SWR, RSSI, and RxBt.

Then I set SERIAL2_PROTOCOL to “4” for “FrSky SPort” and now I get a few more sensors… Tmp1, Alt, Tmp2, GSpd, GAlt, Hdg, VFAS, Curr, Fuel.

So what is going on here? This link seems to suggest that the “Native passthrough FrSky telemetry” should have many many sensors that can be sent over telemetry. Furthermore, I am not seeing all of the sensors that are listed in the “Native standard FrSky telemetry” when I set the protocol to FrSky SPort.


Pixhawk 2.1
Frsky X6R Rx
Taranix X9E Tx
Craft and Theory Telemetry Cable

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hi Mike, I had the same problem, trying to use 10, only GPS sensor available. Not clear. I understood that 10 was only for Flight Deck script. Or you can write your own script. For me, I went back to parameter 4. easier. Or you can try Luapilot
but not working with my Taranis Q X7, not same screen size.

What you are seeing is normal. What you need to do is get the Flight Deck scripts and sound files from Craft&Theory

In passthrough telemetry (type “10”) the data is passed without using FrSky sensor messages. That’s why the data doesn’t appear as “sensors” during discovery (GPS is still passed as a sensor so you can display on a separate OpenTX screen). Actually, passthrough telemetry sends a lot more data than repurposed telemetry messages (type “4”) and at a faster rate. We recommend LuaPilot with protocol 4 and FlightDeck with protocol 10.

Contact us directly at if you need further assistance. We’re here to help.
Craft and Theory

hi @tomlauzon, I appreciate your promotion at 11.99 USD, I already have the home made wire and the Q X7, so this is all I need? and after 6 months it will still work with no new updates, right?

Thanks everyone for the replies. I think this makes sense now. The basic FrSky telemetry and Taranis telemetry screens is sufficient for now.

However, I am not seeing all of the data that the table on this page says I should get for “Native standard FrSky telemetry”. In particular, I am missing flight mode, number of GPS sats, and GPS fix status. And then I have some that aren’t on this table which are Tmp1 and Tmp2.

Yes, that’s all you need. You may want to get a MLVSS or FLVSS cell LiPo sensor so you can monitor if any cell is too low. That information is fairly critical because it’s the lowest cell that will limit your flight time.
After 6 months you can renew for $15. You don’t need to renew and it will keep working fine as long as there is no incompatibility with newer versions of OpenTX or ArduPilot, at which point you’ll want to purchase a new license to get the update. It takes some effort to maintain so we have to charge a little bit to keep it going. :wink:

Tmp1 = Flightmode
Tmp2 = GPS sat count