Telemetry to x9d+ via direct sbus?

Is there some physical reason we can’t get telemetry data piped through the standard sbus from the Cube out to an X8R, WITHOUT having to add yet another cable on a serial line to connect to the X8R that we’re already connected to?

Sbus is a rc control protocol/connection. It has nothing to do with telemetry. The telemetry uses the FrSky Smartport.

Not unless Ardupilot codes for Frsky Fport.

Yes, they have different logical functions. However, they both come from the same unit and go to the same unit. Seems silly to futz around with the weight and finding cables since it’s only information we’re sending down the same pipeline. So how hard would it be to change the code for the data to head to a different physical destination? I’ve never looked at that part of the code.