I’m in the process of narrowing down a Tx/Rx system and i like what i see with the Graupner and Taranis lines. I wanted to know if the telemetry port 2 of the pixhawk can be used to send data to a Graupner or Taranis Tx?
I also wanted to know if its possible to pipe some of the Graupner or Taranis sensors into Pixhawk? Or are they compatible with PixHawk (i.e. Graupner Current Sensor).
what i’m getting at is that i would like telemetry via osd when i fly fpv and telemetry via Tx when i don’t. it would be nice if i could just use components that would allow for both.
I’m in the process of narrowing down a Tx/Rx system and i like what i see with the Graupner and Taranis lines. I wanted to know if the telemetry port 2 of the pixhawk can be used to send data to a Graupner or Taranis Tx?
I also wanted to know if its possible to pipe some of the Graupner or Taranis sensors into Pixhawk? Or are they compatible with PixHawk (i.e. Graupner Current Sensor).
what i’m getting at is that i would like telemetry via osd when i fly fpv and telemetry via Tx when i don’t. it would be nice if i could just use components that would allow for both.[/quote]
I’m using a Graupner MZ-18 with the small voltage/current sensor that plugs into the lipo’s balance plug and it works really well. I’ve also got a minimosd working with Pixhawk which is great when flying fpv. At all other times, flick a designated switch on the MZ-18 and the voltage is read out to you or glance at the tx screen and the voltage is displayed there. Voltage is all that I need to know…
Minimosd is so cheap I wouldn’t complicate things by trying to link the radio with the fc.
Personally, I love the Graupner kit but I’ve never tried a Taranis.
thanks for all the replies. The Graupner MZ-24 looks amazing, but i think i’m going with the Taranis X9D because of opentx. I like the fact that software can be changed without waiting for the manufacturer.
I’ve found alot more additional information about how i can integrate a flight controller and telemetry with FPV.
We are working on a system that will allow data to be sent to the Taranis. If you are interested in working on the hardware or writing the software, please let me know.
I’ve seen the devs discussions regarding this issue, but not much transpired from it. Care to elaborate a bit on the planned path, or only Tridge will know? Also, are you communicating with the OpenTX devs? Specifically with Bertrand (github.com/bsongis) ??
I believe that for radios other than the Taranis (the custom version of the 9X 3DR uses) there is already both Mavlink and Ardupilot telemetry software on the OpenTX repository (github.com/opentx/opentx/tree/n … /telemetry) but requires some hardware mods on the transmitters.
I know there’s also FrSky telemetry code on the APM codebase but for the older D protocol, not for the SPort protocol.
With the 2.x version of the OpenTX firmware on the Taranis radio and some LUA scripts running on the radio I’ve managed to get a very decent subset of the telemetry that my PixHawk sends out.
I know that there are limits on what devs can/want to build, mostly because of the hardware/memory limits of the APM boards, but you can’t handicap the PixHawk.
Yes, OpenTX does already support MAVLink telemetry (already for a long time) and you have to make a modification. Of course - the telemetry data needs to somehow get into the TX. An alternative to hacking your TX would be one of the adapter solutions which send MAVLink through the FrSky telemetry user data channel but that’s only 2400 baud, so fairly unusable.
The unusable is really dependent of the reasons and amount of data one wants. IMHO if I want full telemetry support I have to carry either my laptop or an android tablet/phone. For casual flight, for me, the GPS status, battery status and engaged flight mode can be enough.
I also think that the new FrSky telemetry protocol (SPort) is faster than 2400. Stefan You should take a look at the thread I mentioned on diydrones
But, as I’ve said before, both the Ardupilot and Mavlink support are only for the hacked 9x radios, not for the Taranis. And the APM code to integrate the Taranis telemetry is for the older D Protocol.
btw: the Taranis has a free serial port on the battery bay, and theoretically one could attach a 3DR radio modem to it, but although it might be the better solution, I believe it’s not the “cleanest”…imho
What I would like to see, is to have both the OpenTX and APM dev teams agree on a standard way to get the telemetry from the Flight Controller to the transmitter. Or an ideal (sending and receiving MavLink) and a simple one.
[quote=“StefanG”]Yes, OpenTX does already support MAVLink telemetry (already for a long time) and you have to make a modification. Of course - the telemetry data needs to somehow get into the TX. An alternative to hacking your TX would be one of the adapter solutions which send MAVLink through the FrSky telemetry user data channel but that’s only 2400 baud, so fairly unusable.
I don’t have a Taranis, so I can’t test but I’m fairly sure that the MAVLink module can also be used on the Taranis. I don’t see why not or why it would be limited to 9X models. The 2400 baud I mentioned isn’t the protocol speed. It’s the effective speed of the user data channel.
Even if the OpenTX and APM teams agree, that doesn’t help anything, because they do software, not hardware. If a manufacturer like FrSky decides that they don’t put external ports to their transmitters or don’t open their protocol, you will still have to hack the transmitter.
From that point of view, the 9XR-pro might be the ideal TX for you as it can run Opentx and has an external serial port.
The Taranis already has a free serial port as I’ve mentioned before.
The “only” hardware obstacle to directly “inject” telemetry from the APM to the X8R receiver (SPort telemetry port) is that the SPort requires RS232 levels, but inverted. If not for this, at least you could run the Taranis telemetry at the APM/PixHawk and run a single cable from the Flight Controller to the receiver (with TX,RX).
The Teensy board I have between the PixHawk and the X8R receiver does that (invert the serial signal) and also translates Mavlink to FRSky specific telemetry data, because at the moment there is no other way to do it better.
The whys about why only the hacked 9x radios support the Ardupilot and/or Mavlink compile option can be found at the OpenTX forum. But even the 9XR Pro doesn’t have Mavlink/Ardupilot options.
So, and in conclusion, there are ways to do the same thing implemented on all sides - i.e. at the Flight Controller, at the receiver and at the transmitter.
This is why I suggested that both dev teams could “sit” and agree on a good/better/best way to do it.
[quote=“StefanG”]I don’t have a Taranis, so I can’t test but I’m fairly sure that the MAVLink module can also be used on the Taranis. I don’t see why not or why it would be limited to 9X models. The 2400 baud I mentioned isn’t the protocol speed. It’s the effective speed of the user data channel.
Even if the OpenTX and APM teams agree, that doesn’t help anything, because they do software, not hardware. If a manufacturer like FrSky decides that they don’t put external ports to their transmitters or don’t open their protocol, you will still have to hack the transmitter.
From that point of view, the 9XR-pro might be the ideal TX for you as it can run Opentx and has an external serial port.
Sent from my Ainol Novo 7 Fire using Tapatalk[/quote]
If I remember right, RS232 just is inverted compared to TTL serial. It’s nothing FrSky-specific. I wrote an Arduino-library for decoding FrSky and a tiny Max2323 board heatshrunk in the cable does the trick.
The 9XR pro just came out and it has a different hw platform, so I don’t wonder that not every module is available yet. Why it isn’t in the Taranis settings - don’t know. Technically it shouldn’t be a problem.